Propaganda for All, Educated and Uneducated

After the Germans surrendered during the Second World War, the Japanese began to test various ideas on how to persuade German soldiers to continue fighting. They tested various radio broadcasts and speeches and monitored how people would respond. They found that people with more education needed to hear a two-sided argument, or rather both sides of the argument for it to have any persuasive impact. Conversely, people with little to no education were more likely to be motivated by a single sided argument.

Further studies would shape future persuasion, propaganda and advertisements. Cities tended to develop economically with people clustering in areas of similar socioeconomic status. Armed with this information radio, and television spots could be targeted to fit that population. There were also trends in what radio and television people watched based on socio-economic status, allowing for even better targeting of people based on their educations and the type of argument most likely to influence them.

Notes on the heading:


In the age of the internet this idea stands out even more. Most profiles on sites like LinkedIn and Facebook have people put in their education, where they went to school and how far they went, thus allowing for even more specific targeting of people with persuasion and propaganda.

People can also be broken down even further; by the types of entertainment they watch, the kinds of discussions they post on etc… Thus, propaganda is not written for two types of people but carefully curated for each individual.